Wednesday, January 29, 2003

happiness by todd solondz was on cable yesterday. freakin hilarious!!!

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

joinin the bandwagon

name : beth
current location : workstation
righty or lefty : ambidextrous
zodiac sign : cuspian (aries and taurus)
innie or outtie : indie

..series two// favorites
music : bossa nova
cartoon : flash
language : call center english (bwahahahaha we all sound like operators)
spice girl : justin timberlake (bwahahaha ako den meg--- he's sooooo hot)
subject at school: literature
ice cream flavor: vanilla
roller coaster(s): hell yeah

..series three// what you did
your most overused phrase on aol/yahoo : heehee, coolness, sureness
the first thing you did when you woke up this morning : whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
the best name for a butler: butler??? di uso dito yan
your best feature : shoulders
your bedtime : ten eleven am
your greatest fear : car crash
your missed memory : road trips

..series four//you prefer
single or group dates : single. it's more interesting that way.
chicken nuggets or chicken fingers : HOTSHOTS Xtra Large
dogs or cats : FROGS
tupac or jay-z: eminem (he's sooooooo hot)
Shania Twain or LeAnn Rymes : who???
Lipton ice tea or nestea : lipton honey
one pillow or two : i have 5 with hotdog
chocolate or vanilla : vanilla
hot chocolate or hot cocoa : not a fan
cappuccino or coffee : vanilla latte
boxers or briefs : jammies

..series five//do you
take a shower everyday? : 1 bath 2 showers
have a(any) crush(es)? : bwahahahaha
do you think you've been in love? : i don't think so... i don't know
want to go to college? : want to stay in college forever. (mee tooo!)
like high school? : high school the best years of my life
want to get married? : mmmmm
type with your fingers on the right keys? : yep
believe in yourself? : sureness
have any tattoos/where? : i wish
think you're a health freak? : my family is... me i have cancer (bwahahahaha)
get along with your parents? : semi kinda sorta
Like thunderstorms? : nope scared of it

...series six// the future
age you hope to be married : 27-30
numbers and names of children : 2 julian or joaquin if boys (names of my late grandads)
Where do you see yourself at age 40? happy and married
Describe your Dream Wedding : i don't have a guy yet... let me find one first
How do you want to die? : sleeping
What do you want to be when you grow up? : a movie usher (so i can watch movies for free --- stupid kid Ü)
What country would you most like to visit? : new zealand

..series 7// opposite sex
best eye color : brown.
best hair color : dark brown
best articles of clothing : jeans and shirt
best first date location : not a coffee house and not an ice cream parlor

series 8// other
when's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal? : does my nephew count as an animal? heehee
how many rings until you answer the phone? : i don't
what's on your mouse pad? : nada. i use a track ball.
how many houses have you lived in? : 2 houses 2 apartments
how many schools have you gone to? : 4
what color is your bedroom carpet? : ewww
would you shave your head for $5000 dollars? hell yeah
if you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take three things with you what would you take? :
what was the best time of your life so far? : bedtime

..series 9//things you wear daily
- jeans /khakis
- bowling shoes
- shirt
- socks
- underwear
- makeup

..series 10//lists
* 6 objects you touch every day
-- my phone
-- my hair
-- my toothbrush
-- my pc
-- my tv
-- my kikay kit

* 5 things you do everyday
-- eat
-- sleep
-- work
-- drive
-- hang out with my buddies

* 4 things/people that you couldn't live without
-- my family
-- my friends
-- my phone
-- my lip balm

[ n a m e ] : maria may elizabeth cardenas fabre
[ birthday ] : April 20, 1982
[ loc ] : makati city
[ height ] : 5' 6"
[ siblings ] : vin and lanie
[ pets ] : blob (the black fish that turned gold after a month)
[ eye color ] : brown
[ hair color ] : dark brown
[ best feature ]: shoulders
[ artistic? ] : when i was 6
[ boyfriend/girlfriend now ] : hehehehe
[ crush ] : justin
[ color of your room ] : cream, baby yellow
[ hobbies ] : doodle doodle doodle
[ what were u doing 15 mins ago ]: yosi
[ what are u wearing now ] : clean clothes
[ u smoke ] : yep.
[ u drink ] : yeahbah
[ u shy or outgoing ] : both hehehehe
[ had fun this summer ]: yeah
[ feature you notice first ] : eyes and shoulders
[ looks/personality ] : what about it?
[ piercings ] : three
[ tan or fair ] : tan
[ age difference limit ] : basta di amoy lupa
[ smart/dumb ] : smart
[ funny/serious ]: expressive

[m o r e a b o u t m e]

[ chocolate milk, or hot chocolate ] : cold milk
[ mcdonalds or burger king ] : mcdo!
[ coke or pepsi ] : lemon coke
[ would you wanna marry your best friend, or the perfect lover ]: both.
[ tea/coffee/cappuccino ] : vanilla latte
[ cats or dogs ] : frog
[ milk, dark, or white chocolate? ] : milk chocolate
[ sunny or rainy ] : sunny but windy
[ summer/spring ] : summer.
[ vanilla or chocolate ] : vanilla nga kulet
[ biking or blading ] : sleeping
[ cereal or toast ] : cereal
[ do ya like rock, punk, rap, r & b, alternative, techno, pop..etc ] : bossa nova
[ bunk or water bed ] : ooooh water bed

[r e l a t i o n s]

[ Best friend(s) ] : gel, arleigh, tabel, casey, ryan, & nicelle
[ Friends that you look like ] : whaaaaah
[ Who you go to for advice the most ] : gel, ryan and nicelle
[ should talk to more ] : everyone
[ skinniest ] : moy
[ loudest ] : CAROL
[ craziest ] : me?
[ funniest ] : sean
[ nicest ] : ryan --- the best ever
[ shortest ] : no comment
[ tallest ] : gel
[ changed your life the most ] : cristina

[f a v e s]

[ color ] : red
[ movie ] : memento
[ subject ] : movies
[ ocean or pool ] : beach
[ laugh or cry ] : laugh.
[ silver or gold ] : silver.
[ diamonds or pearls ] : diamonds
[ sunset or sunrise ] : sunset
[ showers or baths ] : baths.
[ food ] : seafood
[ snack ]: fish crackers
[ board game ] : MAD
[ all-time song ] : crash into me - dmb
[ current song ] : "here comes the breeze" - gomez
[ rap song ] : lose yourself - eminem
[ holiday ] : christmas.
[ movie star ] : brad pitt
[ magazine ] : cosmopolitan
[ tv show ] : smallville
[ Disney character ] : lilo
[ animal ] : frog
[ drink ] mule
[ cologne ]: clinique happy
[ brand of sneaker ] : nike
[ activity ] : doodling
[ fruit ] : lemon
[ juice ] : freshly squeezed orange

[d o y o u ...?]

[ do you like school ] : with no tests and homeworks
[ do you like to talk on the phone ] : no not really
[ do you have your own phone line ] : yep.
[ do you like to dance ] : used to

[l a s t t i m e y o u ...]

[ last time u showered ]: 8 hours ago
[ went runnin ] : five minutes ago
[ worked out ] : hmmm...
[ danced like a frickin idiot ] : oh everytime in front of the mirror (heehee)
[ went to a movie ] : 2 weeks ago
[ talked on the phone ] : right now
[ wished u were sumbody else ] : nope

[r a n d o m]

[ where would you love to travel to? ] : new zealand & thailand
[ whats ur middle name? ] : cardenas
[ is ur hair color natural? ]: yep
[ do u have a cell phone? ] : yep
[ whats ur online screen name ] : lil jinx
[ what do u want to do with your life? ] : ads ads ads ads
[ last time u went bowling ] : last year
[ are u any good at bowling ] : not that much
[ last time u went to the doctor ] : does dentist count?
[ do u have a credit card ] : yes. and i freakin hate it
[ do u consider urself a "nice" person ] : yeah
[ last book ]: harry potter book 4 (hahaha haven't read in years)
[ are u stressed out? ] : no wonder i can't sleep
[ do u believe in angels? ] : of course
[ what are u driving now? ] : lancer
[ u help pay for it? ] : no
[ do u think ur spoiled? ] : i wish
[ do u like mustard? ] : sometimes
[ have u seen the exorcist? ] : yep
[ how bout dumb & dumber? ] : yep and it's dumb
[ ever been skydiving? ] : someday
[ number of piercings ] : three

Sunday, January 26, 2003

the movie that never was
i had an interesting chat with a friend some days back. we were discussing that there are a lot of great reading for kids. like harry potter, lemony snicket and many more. contrast that to movies. i mean come on its all about marketing when it comes to disney and nickelodeon. all about selling shirts, toys, cds, dvds, mugs, whatever... i'd love to see p.t. anderson, david cronenberg, spike jonze, steven soderbergh do some high calibre film for kids. that would be exciting don't ya think?

Saturday, January 25, 2003

late friday five

What is one thing you don't like about your body?
My eyes (i don't hate it) I just don't like the way everyone thinks i'm chinese. coz i repeat am not.

2. What are two things you love about your body?
Shoulders... and wrists?

3. What are three things you want to change about your home?
my room. i want a bigger room. and a bigger bathroom.

4. What are four books you want to read this year?
hmmm i have no time...

5. What are five promises you have kept to yourself?
i will stop smoking
i will stop smoking
i will stop smoking
i will stop smoking
and again i will stop smoking

Monday, January 20, 2003

when you need to end the pain
when you have the wrong reasons
when you need to compromise the time
when you have the wall infront of you
when you need to reach for the stars
when you have the chains
when you need to break it with your bare hands
when you have to make a mountain out of it
when you need to stay grounded
once you cross the line... you can never go back.

Friday, January 17, 2003

welcome to the real world

1. Where do you currently work?
At some call center. Not much of a job. Not much of a life either

2. How many other jobs have you had and where?
Hmm job? I think this call center one is the only one i know. i don't think my butterfly business is much of a job.

3. What do you like best about your job?
Like? hmm what a toughie, besides the fact that i don't have a life. i am starting to lose all my friends as well. great isn't it. well at least am well compensated.

4. What do you like least about your job?
Oh like what i've said. I NO LONGER HAVE A LIFE.

5. What is your dream job?
Own my ad agency. yipee c",)

Sunday, January 12, 2003

Lord of The Rings: Two Towers

finally seen it. not to mention i saw it for free. thanks to gel and cons who offered the free ride and waited in line almost a day to get 6 tickets for the second to the last showing in ATC. we met up at the cinema lobby around quarter to 5pm. damn the place was packed. kids with popcorn, moms with kids, dads with nachos --- a family affair. the movie wasn't quite i expected it. tho i was wonderin why people kept on saying it was better than the first?!? the two movies are way different, its incomparable. the energy, the mood, the visual and almost everything. tho i was wishing more from two towers. more battle scenes, more gandalf action, more emotion, more sensible dialogue, and less of legolas. the movie was quite funny too. but they're putting too much pressure on legolas.and what's up with the "360 ride the running horse up-front" scene. that's classic. not to mention he never runs out of ammo. the elf that never tires. the performance was at par. even gollum, the amazing schitzo character who would probably dethrone yoda anytime.

i have to read the book. no time. will find time. there must have been a great difference

Saturday, January 11, 2003

the godfather

coolness gian finally has his website back. he's this totally awesome friend who christened me into the world of the unexplained ---- heehee the indie world. without him i would still be sulkin and making myself more and more useless (the term). well thanks to him i've got my life ahead of me. the hopes of film school, art workshops, and probably more time to write and read. tho i wonder why he used PINK? hmmm.
bendin the road

a few hours ago i was sleeping. a few hours ago i was eatin spaghetti and meatballs. a few hours ago i was smokin gundang garam. a few hours ago i was listenin to electronica. a few hours ago 3 beer bellied monsters pulled me over. was it because of speedin? drivin on a one way street? beatin the red light? friggin cops pulled me over because they thought i was carryin illegal drugs! whoa you don't get that everyday. not to mention how traumatic that is. 3 big beer mouth cops searchin my car for drugs. totally speechless and terrified. wasn't able to use my head. good thing i pushed my way through it --- they almost took me to the station for no freakin reason. good thing a lot of people were around. so the beer bellied monsters got frightened and left me alone. heehee. this is no laughing matter. and remember to use your head no matter what. those damn beer bellied monsters could have planted anything when i allowed them to search my car. stupid me wasn't able to get them damn names. oh well like i said before --- am jinx.

Friday, January 10, 2003

yey friday five's back

1. Do you wear any jewelry? What kind?
yeah, the not so tiffany kind. since i was a kid i kept on losing them valuable items. i'd rather not wear them at all. tho can't live without my earings. back in gradeschool i wear watches. now that i need it i don't.

2. How often do you wear it?
i wear my earings anywhere i go.

3. Do you have any piercings? If so, where?
3 all in the ears.

4. Do you have any tattoos? If so, where?
i wish

5. What are your plans for the weekend?
brash young cinema's party then work afterwards --- ooooohhh what a life

lia's surprise

i know most people have been to parties where they only know quite a few. neway before attendin one make sure whatsitfor, like if its a birthday party, thanksgivin party, christmas party, or whatever. heehee last night quark gave a surprise birthday party for lia. tho i missed the whole surprise thingy. but best part i mistakenly thought it was quark's birthday. so the moment i saw quark, i greeted him --- not to mention i did it in front of lia --- the celebrant. how embarrassing. heehee. tho i guess it would be forgotten. i doubt lia... heehee. it was a helluva party, almost everyone from indiefil was there. and the wonderful quarky pad (i like to call quark's room pad). man you can actually lock yourself there for like a year. dvd's, cd's, comics, books, toys, and an enormous tv. almost everythin anyone can dream of. best part of it was the tradition of signin the wall. coolness. and once again happy birthday lia (hope i got it right). and thanks joey for great the invite.

am a bit high doin this post, forgive me meg. heehee

Tuesday, January 07, 2003

When you thought you’re sober

On the last day of 2002, I joined the graveyard crew on an early new year’s eve party. It was really early around 8am. Kirby & Mos had a hard time looking for a place coz most of the early morning bars were closed for the holiday. Shucks. So we ended up celebrating at country waffles glorietta, they’re the only one that’s open and serves beer that early. Not to mention they serve mean breakfast! Probably one reason why the place was packed at 8am. Tho I have to admit the service SUCKS, imagine we ordered for three kurant 7, and after 30 minutes of waiting they handed us kurant shots. Duh, that was not what we ordered. And it wasn’t the end of it, besides the fact that they’re understaffed, you had to wait at least 10 minutes to get an order, they freakin billed us double. Okay let me explain… our bill was around 6500 bucks. That’s 6500 bucks for 2 cases of san mig light? a clubhouse sandwich? 3 kurant 7’s? 5 orders of breakfast? Okay we were talking about country waffle here so what do we expect. After looking & passing around the bill for almost 15 minutes we handed the country waffle crew the 6500 bucks they want no questions no quamor. After that Kaye, Val, Roy and I decided to say goodbye after that. So we left the not so drunk graveyard crew to what was left of their 6500 worth of beer bottles. After a few minutes, my phone rang…

turns out the money was gone... so the gy pokes had to pay 6500 again... weird
the year that was

wow been so caught up with life i hardly noticed 2003. a new year, a new hope, & a new beginning. wonder what my new year resolutions would be... hmmm let me see:

  • I will go back to the gym --- after paying monthly dues and not using it.
  • I will go back to my healthy diet --- yes thats goodbye to sweets, goobye to carbonated drinks, goodbye beer.
  • I will try to stop smoking --- hmmm let me see if this is doable.
  • I will save money --- this i know is impossible --- but who knows...
  • I will be kind, patient and forgiving --- ha i started this year with a fight (call that kindness)
  • & I will try my best to be happy --- at least this is doable.
  • Saturday, January 04, 2003

    who needs a headache?
    (warning: gives you more than a headache --- good luck!)

    click me

    Wednesday, January 01, 2003

    Have a rockin new year!!!